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With over 5 whitepapers published, and 3 papers accepted into prestigious conferences, we take research seriously at Supra. With this series of webinars, we'll simplify complex topics with easy to follow presentations that will grow your knowledge.

Explore where blockchain tech is headed and how we're shaping its future with the Supra Research team, a legion of stalwart pioneers and experts in blockchain and cryptography.

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  • Lead by world class researchers

    Learn from cryptography experts and leaders live, led by Dr. Aniket Kate and Supra's research team

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Watch Past Sessions

In case you missed a session, we've got it all recorded for you to revisit right here

May 15, 2024

Opening Introductions

Josh Tobkin | Jon Jones

Dynamic Function Market Maker (DFMM)

Josh Tobkin | Arman Abgaryan | Utkarsh Sharma

May 29, 2024

Opening Introductions

Josh Tobkin

Supra Containers

Josh Tobkin | Dr Raghavendra | Dr Parwat

Parallel Execution Showcase

Josh Tobkin | Dr Raghavendra | Dr Parwat

May 22, 2024

Opening Introductions

Josh Tobkin

Dynamic Function Market Maker (DFMM)

Josh Tobkin | Arman Abgaryan | Utkarsh Sharma

May 15, 2024

Opening Introductions

Josh Tobkin

Webinar Series Recap and Star Key Wallet Walkthrough

Josh Tobkin | Jon Jones

May 8, 2024

Opening Introductions

Josh Tobkin

Supra Proof of Efficient Liquidity (PoEL): Bootstrapping Sustainable Liquidity

Josh Tobkin | Arman Abgaryan | Utkarsh Sharma

May 1, 2024

Opening Introductions

Josh Tobkin

Automation Network: The HQ for Cross-chain DeFi

Josh Tobkin | Dr. Kate

Super dApps: Creating New Use-cases for Web3

Josh Tobkin | Dr. Kate

April 24, 2024

Opening Intro & Community Update

Josh Tobkin

The Power of Vertical Integration

Josh Tobkin | Dr. Kate

September 21, 2023

Introducing Moonshot, Supra's Consensus Algorithm

Josh Tobkin | Dr. Ragavendra | Isaac Doige

Hyper Interoperability Solutions, Supra's cross-chain

Josh Tobkin | Dr Raghavendra | Dr Easwar

September 19, 2023

Scaling with DORA, Supra's Oracle Protocol

Josh Tobkin | Dr. Aniket Kate | Dr. Saurabh Joshi

Scaling with Supra VRF

Josh Tobkin
Arman Abgaryan

VP of DeFi Research and Analytics

MSc in Finance at University of Cambridge; PhD Candidate at SJTU with research focused on infrastructural applications of blockchain technology. MBA at AUA and 6+ years of blockchain industry experience from multiple startups and companies as head of product, technology, and research.
Dr. Parwat Singh Anjana

Applied Researcher

PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India. Research interests broadly span distributed systems, concurrent data structures, and software transactional memory systems (STMs). Working on blockchain technology since 2018 to create reliable and scalable techniques for transaction execution frameworks.
Dr. Isaac Doidge

Principal R&D Engineer

Blockchain enthusiast since 2017, scientific disposition, critical thinker. First Class Honors in Software Engineering from the University of Queensland, Australia, with an emphasis on program analysis and formal verification. Several years of experience in Web 2 development. Passionate about improving lives by building the technology of tomorrow.
Dr. Saurabh Joshi

Principal Researcher

PhD in Computer Science from IIT Kanpur. Affiliated with IBM Research, University of Oxford, IIT Guwahati, IIT Hyderabad, and Qualcomm in professional and research roles. Expert in formal methods, formal verification, program analysis, and constraint programming. Proven track record with a US patent and several peer-reviewed publications. Seeks to provide unbreakable mathematical guarantees towards blockchain robustness and security.
Dr. Pratyay Mukherjee

Senior Director of Research

7 years of research experience in Theoretical and Applied Cryptography in academia (UC Berkeley, Indian Statistical Institute) and in industry (Visa, Hedera). PhD (Comp Sc.) from Aarhus University. Co-author of 25+ peer-reviewed publications with 1100+ total citations. Areas of expertise include threshold cryptography, multiparty computation, end-to-end encryption, homomorphic encryption, etc.
Josh Tobkin

CEO & Co-founder

14+ years in SaaS businesses starting in payments and online gaming with a successful exit. Previously held positions in growth stage companies as Creative Director/CTO. Founder and lead architect of Supra and co-designer of SupraBFT Consensus Algorithm.
Jon Jones

Chief Business Officer & Co-founder

Consultant turned entrepreneur. President of Government Blockchain Alliance Taiwan Chapter. Founded Taiwan Entrepreneur Club with 45+ global partners. Early Ethereum advocate. Chinese Language studies from National Taiwan University. UC Berkeley alumni in Global Economics and Political Development.
Dr. Raghavendra Ramesh

VP of Research

PhD from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India. Experienced in R&D in the areas of blockchains, consensus algorithms, formal methods, cryptography, interoperable blockchains. Passionate in leading teams and helping organizations translate advanced research to production.
Dr. Aniket Kate

Chief Research Officer

With 15+ years of research experience in applied cryptography, distributed systems, and digital privacy and 9+ years of involvement in blockchain research, Dr. Kate focuses on bridging the gap between theory, practice, and real-world utility. Dr. Kate is one third of KZG (Kate-Zaverucha-Goldberg) of KZG Polynomial Commitments, aka Kate Commitments. This technology is the basis for most ZK Proof Systems today and underpins the breakthroughs in scaling for Ethereum 2.0.

    Meet the Speakers

    These sessions will be led by Supra’s research team — the real cryptographic powerhouses, building the solutions and primitives to shape the future of Web3 and a better, decentralized future.

    Josh Tobkin

    Co-founder, CEO

    Co-author of Moonshot Consensus Algorithm (FMBC 2024) & Proof of Efficient Liquidity

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    Jon Jones

    Co-founder, CBO

    Consultant turned entrepreneur. President of Government Blockchain Alliance Taiwan Chapter

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    Dr. Aniket Kate

    Chief Research Officer

    Co-inventor of KZG Commitments (ASIACRYPT 2010)

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    Dr. Raghavendra Ramesh

    VP of Research

    Co-author of Moonshot Consensus Algorithm (FMBC 2024)

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    Dr. Pratyay Mukherjee

    Senior Director of Research

    Co-author of FlexiRand: Output Private (Distributed) VRFs and Application to Blockchains (CCS 2023)

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    Dr. Saurabh Joshi

    Principal Researcher

    Co-author of Distributed Oracle Agreement (ICDCS 2023)

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    Isaac Doidge

    Principal R&D Engineer

    Co-author of Moonshot Consensus Algorithm (FMBC 2024)

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    Dr. Parwat Singh Anjana

    Applied Researcher
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    Arman Abgaryan

    VP of DeFi Research and Analytics

    Co-author of DFMM & Proof of Efficient Liquidity

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    Utkarsh Sharma

    Financial Machine Learning and Quant Researcher

    Co-author of DFMM & Proof of Efficient Liquidity

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